It seems to be that lately I am looking for alternative ways for many techniques that we habitually use. In the begining I painted a model using only acrylic paints. The PzII was an example. Then the Panther II were made without oils. And now, I have painted this BT7 without pigments. It can seem simple, but at the moment all modellers use pigments regularly, and it can be complicated to make dust or mud without them. But I like to know that we can make the same effects with alternative techniques, because not all the people have the same conditions. There are people that cannot use enamel paintings because health problems. Recently I have known to a US modeller that cannot use their hands to make scale models, and he should make everything using his mouth. Can you imagine to your self in a similar situation? For this friend from Michigan, it is almost impossible to use the airbrush. It could be very interesting to develop new techniques where it is not necessary that tool. Anyway, I like to prove and to make new things. Is easy to be comfortable and to make always the same things, but that, sooner or later is boring, and it is not my style. This BT7 has been made for the Japanese magazine ARMOR MODELLING. I hope you like it. Any comment is always welcome.
Parece ser que últimamente estoy buscando caminos alternativos para muchas técnicas que usamos habitualmente. Primero pinté una maqueta sólo usando pinturas acrílicas. EL PzII fue un ejemplo. Después el Panther II se hizo sin oleos. Y ahora, he pintado este BT7 sin pigmentos. Puede parecer sencillo, pero actualmente todos los modelistas utilizan pigmentos con regularidad, y puede ser complicado hacer polvo o barro sin ellos. Pero me gusta saber que podemos hacer los mismos efectos con tecnicas alternativas, porque no todas las personas tienen las mismas condiciones. Hay personas que por problemas de salud no pueden utilizar pinturas esmalte. Recientemente he conocido a un modelista americano que no puede usar su manos para hacer maquetas, y debe hacer todo usando la boca. ¿Podeis imaginaros a vosotros mismos en una situación similar? Para este amigo de Michigan, es casi imposible utilizar el aerógrafo. Podría ser muy interesante desarrollar nuevas técnicas en donde no sea necesario esa herramienta. De todas maneras, me gusta probar y hacer cosas nuevas. Es fácil acomodarse y hacer siempre lo mismo, pero eso, tarde o temprano es aburrido, y no es mi estilo. Este BT7 se ha realizado para la revista japonesa ARMOR MODELLING. Espero que os guste y cualquier comentario es bien recibido. Garcias.
Just another way to colour the plaster that gives volume to the mud. Does it help it stay fixed on the model as well as with the use of acrylic resin? The results are really fine though!
Good show Mig!
ReplyDeleteI gather you dont wonna share this technique in detail, as it may be the subject of some sort of publication- right?
On the funny sie- you should get together with A.W again, he may let you use the MIG products for your models. This way you wont have to experiment with alternative techniques no more ;-)
Just kidding mate- good show as always, and trully inspirational.
Looks great Mig. Lots of BT 7s around at the moment but this is great. I'm always looking for alternatives to setting up my airbrush because my compressor is so big :(
ReplyDeleteLovely work as always, MIG. Nice to see you take this one 'old school' :)
ReplyDeleteHello MIG.I liked the alternative technique of weathering.Did you enjoy the new set of TAMIYA?
ReplyDeleteSupongo que este tipo de técnicas estarán en tu nuevo DVD, sabes cuando estará disponible en tiendas?
ReplyDeleteUn saludo y a seguir dándole ;)
Beautiful build MIG! Great job with the mud, dust and the splash's. Also the rust on the engine grill and exhaust. It's good to know these effects can be done with acrylic's only.
ReplyDeleteHello Mig, Big fan of your work and recently purchased your AFV DVD - Painting with acrylics, it led me think about all the potentially hazardous materials and painting techniques that I currently use. Certainly using only acrylics is a step in the rihgt direction for me. Furhtermore, the airbrush also posses some health risks and I would like to see what you could achieve without the airbrush. Please post this on your blog if you ever attempt a model without using the airbrush, I would be most interested in your results.
ReplyDeleteSorry fro my late reply:
ReplyDeleteDimitris: Yes, is another alternative for plaster and like the acrylic resin, it help to fix the plaster too. But the look is a bit less "plastic" than with the resin.
SIARA: As you can see, I have added some more explanations in AK blogs, but the BT7 was a special work for JAPAN magazine. But in one point you are totally right. Thanks that Iam not working in Mig productions, I am able to experiment more and look for alternatives. Is funny, but I have really few stuff from my Old Ex-company. But I use them anyway!!
AndBend: The tamiya kit was build by a Japanese modeller, not cannot say if it is good or not. Sorry.
Jaime: Este BT/ no saldra en ningun BT7, porque es para un artiuclo en Japon, en Armor Modelling. Me lo pidieron ellos. Lo siento. Pero explicare todo lo que pueda en los blogs.
HARRY: To work withoy airbrush is possible and easy, because I mainly use airbrush just for base color. But just to apply the base color is not bad to use airbrush, and is faster. The rest of techniques cna be applied with brush. Use Vallejo acrylic paints for a good base color by brush, appling around 6 to 10 layers thinned with tap water. It must work well.
Thanks all of you
Hi Mig, wonderful you did, makes it so real. Could you tell me what green you used for the base coat? Did you lighten it and if so with what?
What is your weakness? Everything you touch turns to gold. I'm not exaggerating. (Okay, maybe a little.)
ReplyDeleteKeep 'em coming!
Again you deliver something to strive for! Good job. If I am to be a little cheeky I thing you should have stopped at some point between pictures 9 and 10. I feel it gets too bleak in the end. But hey ... I'm nowhere near your skills, just commenting.