Finally the model is finished. After add the mud and other small effects, it is ready in case we want to make a small diorama.Is very important to see the nice effect made by the acumulated earth in the horizontal surface in the upper hull. It help to create contrast and bring down the excesive white brightness.

Ok, let's go to finish the model. Some steps before. use a graphite pencil to make the metal effect in the MG ring. This useful tool can help us to give a metal look to many details. Keep it sharp.

The different tools was painted using Vallejo colors. Paint some shadows and some highlights to create a volume in the tools and accesories. You can add some dust effects with pigments or washes to adapt the tools to the rest of the weathered vehicle.

The fire extinguiser is really small. But I was able to paint a mini label with a fine brush and vallejo colors. Also I painted it with Dark Yellow, like the old one was remplaced by a new one.

The general look of the tools is good enought for this scale.
now is time to make the dust, earth and mud. This time, I have return to my old technque of pigments, but this time with the new
AK pigments, which is a bit different than my old ones. The colors is also differnet. I was tired of the same shades so, the new ones are more ...neutral, less bright.
Here you can find the whole range, limited, which means that it is the whole collection, just the basic stuff to avoid get crazy looking among 1 million colors. Now than the actual techniques is not only based in pigments, could be a good alternative these colors if we want to something ocasional, like in my case right now.

You can use the
Pigment fixer or just
White Spirit to fix the pigments. if you are not sure how will be the look, try frist the White Spirit and later the Fixer Glue. Pigments fixed with White Spirit can be removed more or less easily. Apply the different shades of pigments and then, use a brush with Fixer to humidify the surface.

Try to concentrate the dust around the details and use dar colors for the most hiden areas, around the details or turret, etc...
When it is dry, the look will be like this one. You can repeat the process as much as you want to increase the effect of acumulated earth or dust.

And now we will amke the mud with the actual method, using the enamel products from AK and plaster. Even if the
Fresh Mud color is a bit satin, we can add
Wet Effect Fluid to the mix to get a more shiny effect in the mud. Use an old brush to make the mix.

Low density mix of mud, this means, with more Enamel color and less plaster, will provide us smaller dots of mud when we make of splashed mud. Use an airbrush to project air over the brush loaded of mud mix. It will generate a nice splash over the front hull.

Use the same mix to apply mud in the tracks.

And after it is dry, apply the
Dark Steel pigment to create the metal effect in the external parts fo the links. If it is not enought shiny, you always can mix this powder with Humbrol 11 (silver) and apply the mix with dry brush over the surface.

Well, the model is finished. We can add stowage or more details if we want , but I prefer to leave it clean of stuff to allow see the effects over the model.
ReplyDeleteMg not drilled out- you slacking pal. Nice job. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYes...you are right. I build this model many years ago...and it was waiting for a coat of paint until now. But I just wanted to paint it out of box...just for paint something. if I must re-wrok it again, sure I never will finish it! I really hate build models...I like just paint them. ;-)
ReplyDeleteRealy nice SBS, I like it a lot. Your way of modeling is a standard, and see it step by step in this mid scale is a real pleasure. We can always learn something new, there is always something different depending on the subject, the weathering, the used materials. It's good to see the whole process, how it is built up, how the effects are based on the previous steps. Thanks for these articles, they are very useful for quartel scale, and all the other modellers!
ReplyDeleteBig thanks for this tutorial. Who will be the next?
Awesome stuff. Well worth the wait.
ReplyDeleteSo good to see step by step and see the importance of getting the first part correct so that the final result is so much better.
Great series ... TY !!!!
It will be nice now to see how you build diorama, nice job Mig, as usual
Great job!!!!
Phenomenal. A true labor of love.
ReplyDeleteReally nice job, Mig!
ReplyDeleteI'm always very impressed by your accuracy and the details you put forward.
I hope to meet you on an exhibition someday, because building and painting models alone isn't great fun and it's very hard to progress! Where I live in France, we don't have any club and it's a shame!
So I just drown my frustration by reading your books and watching your DVDs.
Keep up the good work!
I love Your articles, paintjobs etc. :) Just awesome work !
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog !
If You'll like it, follow it just like I follow Yours :)
Its fantastic work you have done here. I will be follwing this tutorial as i apply this style to a few models of my own.
ReplyDeleteDoes it matter too much between a satin and gloss varnish coat in between some of the layers?
Wow very cool job on that tank really good 10/10 !
ReplyDeletebubblegum casting
Hello, first time commenter. First, I really enjoy your posts, they are incredibly informative. Second, and because I am somewhat lazy, could you provide a list of every paint and wash used to create the wintering effect? I always seem to miss something, and end up getting paints, etc, only to find that I forgot one. Thank you so much, and I look forward to seeing more of your work, it is really outstanding.
ReplyDeleteHello, I just found this post and I am a first time poster. First of all, I think your work is great. If possible, would you be able to supply a list of the all the paints, washes, etc. that you used for the wintering process. I always end up missing something when I go to buy the stuff. Thanks, and I look forward to finding more posts by you.