
Tiger I 1/48 Winter camo "Part 2"

Welcome again to the second part of this interesting article about how to paint a Tiger I with a winter wash. In the preview chapter I explained how to use the Worn Effect fluid to make a Camo with chipping. Now we will use it again to make the winter wash.

Apply a nice coat of Worn Effects fluid over your vehicle. remeber that it is water based, it is clean, no bad smell and easy to use, just pour it in your airbrush and apply a coat.

After a couple of minutes, apply your white color. tamita will work very well in this case. Note that I applied a soft and random layer of white color. Not too thick.

Now we can start scratching the surface. Apply a little water over it and start moving your brush over the surface until see that the paint come off. It is very easy.

See how random is it. Some areas can be very damaged and others almost new.

Now is time for the washes. The color AK 066 Wash for Africa vehicles will be a good color also for winter vehicles. It is a bit neutral and was designed for light sand colors.

Apply a drop over the lines, joins, details and rivets. Don't worry if you are not accurate. We will clean the excess later. be sure your base is SATIN, and NOT FLAT. this is very important to avoid the expansion by capilarity.

Now using a clean brush and thinner, we will clean the excess of wash. The wash color must be dry. I usually wait for 3 or 5 minutes after apply the wash.

This process is very easy and simple. if we follow the rules (satin surface, controlled application, let it dry and clean the excess) we will obtain always a good result.

Let's go for a funny step: Winter Streaking grime

This technique is very simple. Just draw fine vertical lines in the vertical or inclinated surfaces. Make some of then shorter than others.

After it is dry for a couple of minutes, use a flat clean brush with a little Thinner and stump the lines with vertical motions. Don't try blend the color at once, but in several attemps.

You must get a look like this:

If you reomve to much, just repeat the proces after few minutes.

In the next chapter we will see how to make the metal chips and we will work with oils too.
Thanks for take your time to read this and I hope you like it.

Don't be shy and post your comments or feedback. I am working on this right now, so....your suggestions can help me to be focus in this or that subject or problem.



  1. I would just like to say that you are truly an artist when it comes to models. Great job!

  2. Amazing article as always and the Worn Effects product is excellent.. I was very confused by the hairspray trick and didn't want to waste time getting it to work. Now I know there's a product out there that works and saves time (I have so little time to model now).

    Gotta get me some AK stuff ASAP!

  3. Just question - how you can obtain SATIN finish with XF-2? Or you lay satin coat on XF-2 before you go to apply wash?

  4. Oh sorry...yes...yes...I forget it. After apply the white color, we must cover it with a Satin Varnish coat to protect it and help to the washes.

  5. Muy bonito Miguel,me gusta el resultado del camu invernal,¿el cañon finalmente quedara asi? de ese color? ¿no verdad? si el blanco se aplica con humbrol el resultado seria igual o parecido?.un Abrazo!!.Artista.

  6. Great post and plenty of pics to show what you're doing. Love your work- MORE PLEASE!! :)

  7. Hola Miguel

    Muy buen trabajo el que llevas en este Tiger,tengo ganas de terminar de montar el jeep con el que estoy liado para empezar a pintarlo y probar esta tecnica.

    Una duda.los escurridos que haces en el frontal del Tiger los haces con el producto tal cual no??al ser una superfice rugosa la del zimmerit no tenia yo todas conmigo de como quedan estos efectos,nunca lo he probado con zimmerit pero siempre tenia la sensacion de que la pinutura se escurriria por todos los recovecos del zimmerit.

    Estoy deseando ver el proximo capitulo!!animo!!!

    Pd.la maqueta es la de afv supongo??
