Few weeks ago I was thinking about this new product. I have seen it in internet since long time ago, but reciently I was thinking seriusly about it. I always painted the wheels by brush, I means , the rubber. It is always a hard work, specially when you have a panther tank in your hand, or even a PzIV. I am always looking for fast tips and technqiues, and I thought this stuff from QUICK WHEEL, can help me. So...i decided to take some of these masks, and by the way, some of their new resin wheels for some vehicles.
I just wanted to try and I was not sure how is the quality of this stuff. But when I recived it (the service is just superb) I was shock with the quality. This tool is very professional, made in hard plastic and have a special design that help to the modeller to mask the whels easily and all of them at once. The plastic wheels fit perfectly in the holes , and them you can paint with airbrush the center of the wheels with the tank color. previesly you must paint the whole wheel in rubber color!!
In few seconds you paint the rubber of all your wheels....and the result is just PERFECT!!!!!!!
I cannot say anymore except that it must be necessary for me since now. the important thing is that the mask can be used forever in all your future models.
I recomend you this new stuff.
You can get it directly form this site:
I hope upload a short step by step very soon.
Thank you.
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